Friday, January 25, 2008

Yummy Toes

Brandon is four months old now and he loves his toes! I love watching him as he tries to grab his toes and any other object he can put in his mouth. He is so curious, and so much fun, now that he can hold and play with toys

Cancer Free

What a great day!!
I just found out that my dad is cancer free!!
Last November my family found out that my dad had stage 7 prostate cancer. So with many prayers, and lots of fasting, my dad went in for a long four hour surgery. It was successful and I am so grateful!! Miracles happen!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Highlights from 2007

I had a baby!!! What could be better! Brandon Charles Bowman was born on Sept 14th. He is the light of my life. Being a mother is more rewarding then I could have imagined. Brandon was a large 9 lb. 3 oz.. My favorite things about Brandon are his five cowlicks, (the best of which is the curly one front and center on his forhead) his dimple on his right cheek, and the way he smells.

My sister had a baby! The next best thing to having a baby is when your sister has a baby. What makes it so wonderful is that she had a boy, Chandler Van Stamm, so now Brandon has a cousin just 1 month younger than him, and Natalie and I get to experiance motherhood together.

Halloween I finally had a child to celebrate this holladay with, and the best part is that he seemed to enjoy it too!
Teaching Preschool with my sister I love teaching children, I love teaching at Challenger Schools, I love working with my sister, and I love making a fool of myself on clown days. But I really love doing all these things at the same time! What a great way to end the school year.

My son celebrated his 1st Christmas I loved having a child to celebrate with, even though he does not understand what is going on, and he can not open up the presents it was still special. He was the best present of all.

New Years Resolutions

Tis the season for new years resolutions. One of my resolutions is to keep in touch with friends and family better. So I thought I would try my hand at being a blogger, so far so good. :) I look forward to hearing from you and sharing with you.