My sister is so talented! She painted all of these pictures for me for Brandon's bedroom. I love to admire them while I am sitting in my rocking chair while I feed Brandon. Thank you Natalie for sharing your talent with me!
One of our neighbors created this ice sculpture it is amazing, I have never seen anything like it!
Little Miss Maggie surprised me today by climbing up our ugly compost heap to see the world outside our back yard. thank heavens she did not get ambitious and try to jump down the other side. YIKES!
The snow is higher then Brandon is tall. Brandon is 25 inches last time we measured him. What a winter!
I am amazed at how much snow we have received. Our house is buried! I do love it
Everyone knows I adore my Little Miss Magnolia, but sometimes she makes me crazy! Was it really necessary to tear apart the ENTIRE tissue box? Good things she is so darling!!
Me dear friend and next door neighbor offered to do a trade so that I can teach piano lessons in peace. I watch McKell in the morning and Dana watches Brandon in the afternoon. It has been such a great help. Best of all Brandon has an adorable girlfriend. (ha ha ha) Isn't she cute!
I am so grateful to be living here in Utah so that Brandon can have fun spending time with his aunts Natalie and Lindsey. He looks so cute in his apron. :)