I can not say whether this Brotherly Love extends both ways, but Brandon sure does love and adore his little brother! Grant I suspect tolerates his older brother right now, but hopefully they will become fast friends as they get older. I love how happy Brandon is when he gets to hold his little brother.
I need to video tape my swaddling methods because I have learned they are very funny (or perhaps a little disturbing. :) ) but for whatever reason both of my boys love to be wrapped up tight - VERY TIGHT! Brandon has outgrown the tight swaddling but it was still fun to pretend to be a baby again. :)
Brandon loves to show off his little brother to everyone, and must be close by at all times. He is also careful to make sure that Grant is never left out of anything; anytime I mention something about Brandon, Brandon will always add "and Grant" for example if I say "mommy loves Brandon" I hear "and Grant?!", or Brandon is such a big boy! - and Grant?!, or does Brandon want to play with McKell - and Grant?!. I hope this desire to always include his younger brother continues to be fun and important as they get older.
Baby Grant entered our little family on Tuesday morning at 8:31. He was 7 lbs. 13 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. He has the same dark hair and funny cowlick as his brother Brandon.Jared was a great daddy from the get go! Grant's first bathThis delivery was so much better than it was with Brandon. After he was delivered I was able to see him and give him kisses before they took him away for the bath and more testing. With Brandon sadly I did not get to see him until a few hours latter because I was in shock - literally. As soon as Grant was done with his tests and bath I was able to hold him and feed him - I am so happy this delivery was so much better!!!!!Dr. Berg! Yeah for having a great family doctor!! For the past month Brandon has been telling us "Dr. Berg, Baby Grant, Out mommies tummy, Now!" I love that Brandon knows the doctor who delivered him and his brother and that he gets to visit with him often!Brandon spent the week at Grandma Julie's and Grandpa Ron's house sharing a room with Aunt Lindsey while I was in the hospital! Thanks so much mom and dad for helping us out!!!! They brought Brandon up Tuesday night to see his little brother. It was love at first sight! Brandon loves his little brother, and Jared and I were surprised by the gentle side Brandon showed to his brother.Grandma Julie and Grandpa RonAunt Lindsey with her third nephew - she is such a darling aunt!!!!Aunt Natalie - also a great Aunt!Baby Grant gave Brandon some more Thomas TrainsOur new family!Baby Grant all bundled up to go home!