Sunday, November 9, 2014

Additional April Adventures

I just can not take enough pictures of Trent.  I absolutely adore him!

 As soon as the weather turned warm enough for walks we began walking with Brandon to and from kindergarten.  Trent was always a trouper.  Most often he would fall asleep.  He looks so cozy in his warm sleep sack.
 One day walking home we met up with many friends and had an impromptu play date at the park.  Hooray for good friends and warm weather!
 We think that it is pretty cool that between the three of us we each have matching strollers for the 11 children who were in our care that day.  We love going on walks together.  Are our strollers cool or what. ;)
 I took the boys to the library - another thing I wish we did much more often.  They love being able to pick out their own books, and our library is so fun.  Brandon thought this little hole in the wall was perfect for Trent.  I must agree!
 My funny three boys.
 Brandon is a great and very helpful big brother!
 I love my little boys, they really know how to have fun - even if (especially if) it means getting dirty.

 Such a cool dude.

Oh I love this baby of mine to pieces!

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