I have loved spending as much time as possible in the yard doing yard work. Brandon has started "helping me" he loves to steal all of my gardening tools and dig in the dirt with them, he enjoys loading my weed bucket with rocks and dirt, and when he isn't helping me he is playing with all of his toys or just being sweet by giving me loves and pats on the back. I just love this boy!!!

When we are finished doing the yard work I will try to reward him and Maggie with a walk, we love it when Dana and McKell come with us. These pictures are from my camera phone which is proving to be very handy! These two are cute!!

Brandon has two best friends here in Heber, Nicole and McKell. Nicole just celebrated her 2nd birthday and had a train party with Brandon and McKell. Nicole can not get enough of trains, and McKell has two older brothers and a super fun mom which has provided her with a large collection of trains and tracks. I think if a two year old could have envy Brandon would defiantly have for the trains these two girls have. He is frequently requesting "Cole, Kell, CooCoo" meaning he wants to play with Nicole Mckell and the Choo Choo's. I think I will be having a train party for Brandon as well - they are just so fun and they keep him occupied for hours!

Our music group has been going very well! This months theme was SPLASH. We did manage to sing a few songs like Splish Splash I Was Taking A Bath, Row Row Row Your Boat, and Give Said the Little Stream, but mostly we just had fun splashing in the pool, water slide, or waterworks toys. At the begging of the month Brandon was very hesitant about getting in the pool, but he loves it now, Hooray!

Jared celebrated his 30th birthday on the 16th! It was a big deal! He loves banana nut cake from a specific store in Bountiful, I procrastinated getting it and in desperation looked for one all over town with no luck so I made one myself. I love baking, but cake- from scratch - Yikes! Lucky for me it actually turned out, I even managed to frost it and make it look half way decent, Yeah!

I decorated the garage for his birthday which he was probably more embarrassed by then grateful for, but I had fun. :)

Jared received a new pair of fly fishing waders, and a wii. (I have been having a lot of fun with it :)

For Jared birthday dinner he chose PF Changes - Yum! Good choice Jared!

Happy 30th! Hope you had a great one!

We went to Buttlerville Days in Cottonwood Height (where I grew up) They had a great festival going on with beautiful model cars, and two helicopters for looking at and playing in, Brandon of course loved them, especially when they took of and circled the park!

He also enjoyed playing on a playground which has swings for toddlers, these things seem to be going extinct because this was the first time he has been able to swing on one, He loved it and giggled the whole time, then he cried when we left. :(

The festival includes a sandcastle building contest which my brother Scott and Lindsey both entered with a few friends. Scott's friends won 1st place, Scott and a few other friends won 2nd place and Lindsey's friend won 3rd place earning them each gift cards to Target.

It has been a great month! Can't wait to see what next month will bring!
Looks like you've had such a fun summer! We were at Butlerville Days, too! We could've met up. Wasn't it so nice to have such fun festivities so close...and without the crazy traffic? I'm glad they've started it!
You have some GREAT photos there! I like the first two and the water ones especially! It was fun talking to you on the phone the other day--we should do it more!
Love the decorated garage! Jake turns 30 this year too and I may steal your cute idea!!
Your Brandon is so cute. When your mom said he doesn't go to strangers my dad sort of laughed and said "he'll go to Catherine". He was right and we quickly became friends. He didn't want to leave when your mom was ready to leave - it was so cute. By the way - I love the first camera phone picture. So cute!
Fun post! I love the water pictures...Brandon is adorable!
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