Sunday, October 20, 2013

Grant is growing up too

Not to be outdone, Grant is growing up quickly too.  I started a co-op preschool with three other mothers and their sons this year, and I am so very glad I did.  The mothers and the boys are so much fun to be with.  Grant is making such great friends and is learning so much; and I get to enjoy the great association of these women.  The pictures on our hammock are from our first day of preschool.
 Grant, Patrick, Tyler and Daeman.  Love their cute happy smiles!!
 As I mentioned before, Grant can ride a two wheel bike, ALL BY HIMSELF!!  I am so amazed and so proud.  Grant is especially thrilled with his new found skill and wants to ride all the time.  When we are on a ride/walk if he hears a dog bark, he tells me the dogs are barking to cheer for him riding his bike. :) I may have caused his vain thoughts with my overwhelming pride. :)
 He is such a big boy, just like his brother, riding with his back pack to school.  :)

Its a good thing we are having another little boy, because these two boys of mine are becoming so independent. 

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