Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How To Choose?

When I was a child a family tradition was to go "help" my dad at his office scrapping aluminium off of old automatic doors. When we finished "helping", my dad would reward us with a small treat from the 7-11 next door as well as a hot dog and drink. Each week my sister and I would spend what felt like hours studying the candy isle trying to make the best choice - it was so hard to choose! Well my inability to choose when there is a large and great selection has not improved - point in case - the Shutterfly Holiday Greeting Cards - there are so many to choose from. See for yourself.
Okay - so I narrowed down my selection to these five which would you choose - seriously - I need your advice!
1 2345Did you notice a theme in my selection of cards - they all have the option of featuring multiple family pictures. That is good news! I will only need to narrow down my picture choice to 4 or 6 pictures instead of choosing just one - ;)

Thank you Shutterfly - and thank you to Shutterfly for storing all of my pictures - so my computer does not become overloaded. Thank you for helping me create a fun Christmas present for someone special (can't say who - wink wink). Thank you for all of the great deals and give aways. I love it when that orange box comes in the mail!!! :)
Speaking of great deals - you can get 50 free greeting cards from Shutterfly with a post on your blog - that is a great deal!!! :)


Alana said...

I love number 3! I can't wait to see what pictures you choose!

Allison said...

I like #3 best! And thanks for the heads up on the deal. I'm going to have to take advantage of it.

Karie said...

My vote is 3 or 4. They're all so cute, though!

cryssal said...

3 is my choice too! Good Luck, which ever you pick will be great!