Monday, October 22, 2012


While I was at girls camp every day at 4:00 we would have D.E.A.R. time Drop Everything And Read.  We would spend half an hour reading the scriptures or other church materials.  I LOVED it.  It was a wonderful moment of peace, calm, meditation and relaxation in the middle of a crazy day.  I was actually able to reflect on the day and what I had read.  I enjoyed D.E.A.R. time so much that I knew it was something I wanted to add to our day at home.  It seemed that our days were becoming too busy, too rushed and filled with too much yelling and ordering my children around, and we haven't even started full time school yet. 
 So we started a 15 min. D.E.A.R. time. It was a bit rocky in the beginning, but it is going really well now. Surprisingly well actually. They look forward to it, they share the fun parts of the books they are reading with each other. I should clarify , there is supposed to be no talking during D.E.A.R. time, but when they are sharing their books and giggling about them I find I just can't enforce the rule.  Another unexpected benefit to our new routine is that as soon as we are done the boys know it is nap time.  After Brandon finishes reading sometimes much longer that 15 min. he will actually request that he go to bed, clean up the books, and put himself in bed.  As if that wasn't amazing enough, Grant will follow suit and do the same thing, putting himself down for a nap in his bed.  It is great. 
I try to be consistent with this doing it every day but admittedly I miss more days that I would like, but over all I am thrilled with how much this is blessing my family.  Oh and I am actually reading books again, and finishing them - Yea :).  Brandon is also finding that he enjoys reading books, he reads far more often by choice and is gradually requesting T.V. less.  Here's to hoping that things continue to go well and the boys continue to enjoy this time together, especially when they can actually read the books they are looking at. :)  Hooray for D.E.A.R. time!!!

1 comment:

Aspen said...

What a great idea!